MHCDASA Strategic plan 2020 - 2025


To give hope and build self-sufficiency in the community served by MHCD


To see MHCD communities flourishing, independent, and empowered


In DR Congo

a. To fund and resource the building of structures or systems to help advance the community

  1. Build City of Hope Children’s home for orphans of 10 cottages each housing 8 orphans for $23,000 (US$15,000) each.
  2. Hospitals, health facilities, power and roads
    – A designated Midwifery school of 6 classrooms. Est. $230,000 (US$150,000)
    – A Midwifery accommodation complex for 80 students. Requires male and female sleeping sections, power and running water, kitchen, bathrooms and toilets, and computer linked study areas. Est. $230,000 (US$150,000)
    – Health clinics in the villages for midwives once they graduate. Est $6 – 7,500 (US$4-5,000) per clinic
    – A health clinic for the Nyringongo Community nearest to the Pygmies $7,500 (US$5,000) for the land, $15,000 (US$10,000) for the building
    – Birthing Huts for remote communities. 1 room costs $900 (US$600) each

b. To research and provide infrastructure ideas to MHCD 

  1. Support Luvungi Petrol station to produce income for the community to make the hospital more sustainable: the building exists and with one tank is being rented out.  It needs an extra petrol tank for 25,000 litres. Requires est $92,000 (US$60,000) for tank and petrol and diesel
  2. Water purifier factory: everyone uses plastic bottles for clean water. Currently all comes from Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi. Costs $150,000 (US$100,000) to set up the factory with good machinery from Nairobi. We need to look at sustainable ways of providing clean water
  3. Solar Panels and batteries to increase the capacity of the hospital, university and computer café. Other solar panels for community use.

a. Provide health care

  1. Liberty Surgical Campaign requires funding of $110 (US$70)per person per operation. Average 800 operations per annum
  2. Community Pharmacy requires $30,000 (US$20,000) to stock with quality medicines – the profits to help fund the Luvungi Education fund
  3. Nutritional center for
    – Orphans to fund food, medical care and a microcredit program to fight malnutrition $230 (US$150)
    – Staff, students and patients
  4. Water for drinking for the school and hospital
  5. Contraceptives

b. Provide education

  1. Luvungi Education fund: sponsorship of high school students $25 (US$16) / month
  2. Sponsorship midwifery and university students $80 (US$50) / month
  3. Sponsorship of orphanage teachers $125 (US$80) / month
  4. Computers for Life program
  5. Create an awareness of environmental sustainability

c. Support community programs

  1. Bicycles for Health and Development $180 (US$120) each to purchase
  2. Microcredit @ $75 (US$50) for a woman to run her own business. $3000 (US$2000) for 40 women in one community
  3. Mosquito nets $8 (US$5) per net

d. Provide a container

  1. Educational goods in school uniforms, books, desks, chairs and resources
  2. Hospital equipment and consumables
  3. Clothing, shoes, furniture, solar panels, tools, computers and sewing machines

e. Provide administration capacity building for MHCD

  1. Allow 10% of donations towards administration

Work with MHCD to develop anything which improves safety and security

a. Radio programs including educational content. Funding for expansion of radio programs to more people via mobile phones and transistors to more communities Funding for wages for journalists and Impact Radio staff
b. Provision of street lighting

  1. Research solar lighting or “bottle” lights and fuel stoves which can be run using solar power
  2. Approach larger solar organisations for donations of street lights, lights for all hospital buildings and solar panels and batteries. Approach businesses in Australia and internationally. Provide money for MHCD as required

c. Microcredit programs lead onto sustainable food, education and income which will bring with it more development and security

  1. Explore grants for programs

In Australia

a. Approach different health organisations such as, Sight for All, philanthropic organisations Gates Foundation, universities, UN agencies, Rotary clubs, individuals and especially Zonta clubs

  1. work towards becoming a Rotary Foundation project

b. Develop a closer relationship with Birthing Kit Foundation Australia (BKFA) towards a possible MOU and affiliate relationship
c. Develop stronger ties to faith based organisations and develop an ongoing relationship with support organisations like Days4Girls
d. Encourage groups of people with specialized skills, beneficial to DRC to help in DRC when safe

  1. To review all projects through the lens of their capacity to become income producing
  2. To actively use the supporter base to raise money
  3. To expand and encourage ongoing regular funding model with monthly payments
  4. Create an annual fundraising plan including regular reviews
  5. Submit funding applications where ever possible. Approach DFAT for grants such as DAP and submit applications where appropriate
  6. Make connections in the business community and with NGO’s, with the aim of creating fundraising opportunities
  7. Review MHCDASA internal efficiency
  8. To work with MHCD to streamline their administration, financial recording and reporting processes
  9. To maintain and streamline Precious Gifts fund raiser
  1. To advocate for MHCD programs and work at every opportunity
  2. To enact our PR, marketing and advocacy strategy
  3. To continue to expand data base of all previous supporters
    – past MHCDASA events and donors
    – Use social media to grow the supporter base. Update website regularly
  4. Produce regular and email friendly reports/newsletters to everyone who has donated
  5. Organize people of influence to meet with MHCD representatives
  6. Approach larger media outlets for articles in commercial magazines and publicity programmes. To promote a documentary and biography
  7. Encourage individuals to go to DRC to experience the lives of the Congolese people and understand their need for our help
  8. To raise awareness in schools about the needs of people in DR Congo