MHCD Achievements

Since 2008 MHCD has grown from 1 empty building to 30+ buildings, including 120 bed hospital, a trade school for 1300 students, midwifery college for 50 students, 3 radio stations, an assembly hall, an accommodation complex for 26 volunteers, solar street lights and many development programs. The work achieved each year is transformative to the lives of the people, especially the vulnerable women, babies and the many orphans.


Started MHCD Mission in Health Care and Development in Kenya and DR Congo

Started a partnership with the Birthing Kit Foundation (Australia) (BKFA) distributing clean birthing kits to women giving birth at home.



Started MHCD Mission in Health Care and Development in Kenya and DR Congo

Started a partnership with the Birthing Kit Foundation (Australia) (BKFA) distributing clean birthing kits to women giving birth at home.



Distributed over 3000 birthing kits for the BKFA

Ran a 3-day midwifery training seminar at Bungoma for 110 Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs)



Built a hospital in Luvungi village, Uvira District, South Kivu Province, DR Congo with free deliveries of all babies

  • Started 3 community radio stations.
  • Started micro-credit programs for raped women.
  • Opened an orphanage in Bungoma, Kenya.
  • Bought a community ambulance to provide free transport in Uvira District.


Opened an orphanage in Luvungi, DR Congo

  • Co-ordinated the first training program for TBAs in DRC funded by the BKFA. It was a 3-day training program for 60 TBAs in Kahororo Village, Uvira district.
  • Ran another 5-day training program for 80 Maasai Mara TBAs funded by the BKFA and distributed over 6000 birthing kits.


Started the first micro hydropower station initiated by the local community in Uvira District

Ran a 3-day training program for 100 traditional midwives in Luvungi / Ruzizi Valley and Bafuliru Mountains funded by the Birthing Kit Foundation.



Voted in as a Member of Parliament for Uvira District, receiving 95% of the vote in some electorates

  • Opened 3 schools. One in Sange village (orphans came from a tanker fire that incinerated over 200 people), Kahororo village and Bukavu. 4 other schools were previously started: two schools in Bungoma, Kenya, one in Kanduyi and the other in Milo.
  • Opened a birthing kit distribution centre at the hospital and TBA training centre.
  • Ran another 3-day training program for 100 TBAs in Buheba village and distributed 2000 kits locally made birthing kits, funded by the BKFA.
  • Began a livestock rearing and agricultural project to empower raped women of Ruzizi Valley and Bafuliru Mountain.


Luc became President of DR Congo Australia Parliamentary Friendship Group

  • Attended as key note speaker at the Birthing Kit Foundation’s 1,000,000th kit celebration functions in Adelaide, Canberra and Sydney.
  • Ran a 3-day traditional midwifery training program for 100 traditional midwives with the pigmie communities of Mutano village, Bukumu location, Nyiragongo District, Kibati Division in the North Kivu province, and distributed 2000 locally made birthing kits, funded by the BKFA.
  • With the BKFA, developed a 5-day traditional midwifery training program for 80 traditional midwives with the Maasai Mara communities of the Rift Valley Province, Narok South District, Mara Division, Koyiaki Location and Talek Sub-Location.
  • Started the first community television station in Uvira District.
  • Started the Luvungi naturopathic hospital.
  • Constructed a Community Bridge over the Kamujeri River in Uvira district.
  • MHCD opened a dedicated nutrition, counselling and family planning centre.
  • Ran micro-credit projects for vulnerable women.
  • Opened an epilepsy clinic.
  • The “Liberty Surgical and Medical Campaign” was started to provide free specialist medical consultation and surgery.
  • Constructed a covered community market for the women to sell their goods from the agriculture farm where they grow cassava, maize, groundnuts and sweet potatoes.
  • Luc received an award, a Certificate of Merit and Excellence as the best Development leader for community development activities in DR Congo.


Luc was the first Congolese MP to personally visit Parliament House, Canberra

  • Built a child clinic, counselling centre, community pharmacy and a media studio for Impact television and radio.
  • Supported orphaned and street children in Bungoma, Kenya and Sange, Kahororo and Lubarika in DR Congo.
  • Started another school with free education for vulnerable local and displaced people from the Mutarule massacre.
  • With the help of Australian supporters arranged, received and distributed a container of medical and educational goods to Luvungi hospital.
  • Ran a 3-day BKFA funded traditional midwifery training program at Lemera for 100- traditional midwives with the Pigmie communities of Uvira, Fizi and Walungu in South Kivu Province, Uvira and distributed 2000 in-country made birthing kits.
  • Ran a 3-day traditional midwifery training program funded by BKFA for 100 traditional midwives with the Pigmie communities of Mulenge region in South Kivu Province, Uvira and distributed 2000 kits made in-country.


Completed a micro hydropower station with lights for the first time in the streets of Luvungi and the hospital had reliable free power

  • Unfortunately, due to structural issues this power station has not fulfilled its promise and solar power supply options are being developed.
  • In co-operation with the BKFA Dr Luc trained Midwifery Seminar Teachers in a ‘train the trainer’ program in Uvira with 18 Health professionals.
  • Mission in Health Care and Development Australian Support Association was established in Adelaide, South Australia, by a group of dedicated supporters with a mission to raise funds and to support the work of Dr Luc in DR Congo through MHCD.
  • As President of DR Congo Australia Parliamentary Friendship Group, Luc arranged for the first delegation of 5 MPs from DR Congo to meet with several Australian Government representatives including the Honorable Julie Bishop MP, the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  • Women Offload Campaign initiated, providing bicycles to women.


Held two BKFA funded train the trainer programs of Midwifery Seminar Teachers in Uvira where 18 Health professionals, 6 from each of 3 provinces.

  • Built the Pamela Community Centre.
  • Built Woodward Place for vulnerable women.
  • The Lubarika village project provided water, food and education to the distressed area.
  • Mutarule village support ensured food for a poor community.
  • The Woman Offload Campaign was continued.
  • Wheelchairs were provided to children from Perth via Australia’s Wheelchairs for Kids, World Vision and supporters.
  • Australian Aid under the Australian Embassy in Harare Zimbabwe representing D.R. Congo supported the construction of Luvungi children’s Rehabilitation and Re-education Centre.
  • Opened an Epilepsy Centre for the many people suffering epilepsy as the result of malaria.
  • Opened a Nutritional Centre to treat children suffering from malnutrition and to fight hunger and eradicate poverty in their families.
  • Started the Great Lake Medical School which provides MHCD scholarships enabling disadvantaged girls to study nursing and midwifery.
  • MHCD produced 8,000 posters in Kiswahili and English demonstrating the importance and impact of the birthing kits.
  • Opened the first dental clinic with a dental surgeon in the entire Uvira district.
  • Distributed 330 mosquito nets to women who had just given birth at the MHCD Luvungi hospital, MHCD Uvira clinic, Kiliba clinic.
  • Financed a new pig project as part of a range micro-credit initiatives for women.
  • MHCD built 6 fish ponds in Kidoti (2 in Lemera, 2 in Luvungi and 2 in Rubanga) making a total of 12 fish ponds constructed in the Uvira District.
  • Continued the MHCD Agricultural Project training women to grow their own food and build their independence.


Second phase of Liberty Surgical Campaign. Received patients from other districts and even from Burundi

  • Many operations including dental care and removed cataracts and restored sight. Operated on 32 women with goiter, many cleft lip and palate children, fistula and gynaecological problems, distributed 15,000+ birthing kits, distributed many crutches and wheel chairs. In total treated 5,600 patients and operated on 600 patients.
  • Opened mobile clinics in Ubwari Island and Sebele villages in Fizi District to be continued on a monthly basis that are only accessible by boat.
  • Transported 40 – 60 patients every week up to 300 km each way in a mini bus for treatment in Luvungi hospital. Purchased a mobile clinic car
  • Distributed 166 wheel chairs and started training of wheel chair assembly technicians
  • Another 19,000 birthing kits distributed
  • On June 30 which is Independence day launched the Liberty surgical campaign and birthing kit distribution at a national level buy Special Advisor to President Joseph Kabila Professor Masu Ga Rugamika
  • The 18 Midwifery Seminar Trainers trained 1305 Traditional Birth Attendants and 30 started Midwifery clubs.
  • Continued support for 4 schools namely in Kahororo School in Kahororo village with nursery and primary classes, Dietsch Academy in Sange village with a nursery school, Green Grove school in Lubarika village with a nursery school and MHCD school in Luvungi Village with a nursery school. Also continue support for 3 schools in Bungoma Kenya, namely the Joanna Naswa Academy in Kanduyi, MHCD Academy in Milo Village and Bukananachi nursery school in Bukananachi village. Since 2005 have supported more than 5000 children.
  • In the Women Offload Campaign distributed 110 bicycles.
  • Distributed 420 Mosquito nets funded by the Zonta club of Adelaide organised by Anne Miller a member of the MHCDASA committee


Continue to support MHCDASA

All programs continue to support and expand MHCD’s schools, orphanage, three hospitals (one near Kinshasa as well as at Uvira and Luvungi), with their emphasis on medical, surgical, educational and community support programs. To date MHCD has distributed 150,500 kits made in Australia for the BKFA and trained over 4000 Traditional Birth Attendants and 38 Midwifery Seminar Teachers.